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Collection of Praise & Glorification of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The collection of my work you will see here will vary.  From poetry, children’s poetry, memes, lyrics and much more.

The site contains the written work and art expressed by Racquel Cruz for the glorification of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Contents of this work are featured in many different forms and viewed through my eyes as I walk with the Lord. Expressions may also be written for others to share their experiences whether it’s simply, in a line or a full poem of written work.

Don’t expect perfection here as I am only human. My faith is based on repentance and establishing a true and genuine relationship with Jesus by his word and prayer. In this and ONLY through his might and strength, I will overcome the things I couldn’t before I accepted him as my Lord and Savior. IN TIME the Holy Spirit through his word will make me stronger to overcome obstacles. I will attempt to write my experience of tests, trials, tribulations, serendipity, joy, happiness, love, peace and may other emotions that may come as I struggle or make peace with my flesh and honor my Heavenly Father.